Business’ financial components are numerous, complex and differ from company-to-company.
In other words, every company has a lot of financial pieces.
Many accounting and financial professionals are knowledgeable about all or most financial components / pieces.
While they understand the multitude of financial pieces, many do not put them together in a way that business leaders can grasp their companies’ full financial profile in a succinct and understandable manner.
Advisors understandably focus on their particular area of expertise. This is important but often leaves out the vitally important insights derived from having a succinct and full financial profile in everyday language.
When complete financial fundamentals are provided in a succinct manner, leadership has their business’ ongoing full financial profile which improves the evaluation of results and strengthens strategic planning.
Think of a business’ traditional financial statements and supporting reports / schedules, etc as the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Leaders are provided with lots of parts and pieces that, by themselves, do not provide a succinct and understandable full financial profile.
Putting these pieces together in a common sense manner provides a succinct and understandable full financial profile.Â
One piece of the puzzle or multiple pieces of the puzzle dumped on the table from the box of pieces is not a clear and understandable picture.Â
Clarity is provided when the pieces are properly put together.
The clarity and simplicity of a completed jigsaw puzzles’ picture is fun and rewarding; similarly, providing leaders with their business' full financial profile is a fun and rewarding part of accounting and financial services.Â
The 5 Elements® of Financial Fundamentals via the Trender® Platform
Succinctly conveying a company’s complete financial profile requires the business’ financial fundamentals being:
Reported (in everyday language)
The Trender Platform leads this category. For years it has provided multiple businesses with their succinct and understandable financial fundamentals via the 5 Elements.
This category was developed to solve managements’ underserved needs of being provided with succinct and functional financial fundamentals that shows whether capital and time have been well spent; and which provides insights for making more informed and confident business decisions.
Succinct and understandable financial fundamentals are a must-have for business leadership.
Companies need to have a succinct and understandable full financial profile because the financial fundamentals are just that – fundamental.
The 5 Elements of financial fundamentals provided by the Trenders are as follows:
Cash flow (proprietary to Trenders)
Financial health (re, liquidity) (proprietary to Trenders)
Shareholder values
Borrowing capacity
Operating earnings - summarized with trendsÂ
Learn more by reaching out to:
Edward B. Patton
5701 Broadway, Suite 102
San Antonio, Texas 78209
Phone (210) 822-9977